Sunday, 6 December 2015

Japan day 6: Meiji Shrine and Museum

Meiji shrine in Harajuku was gorgeous, surrounded by trees with orange leaves gently falling. I enjoyed the way the curved roof/curved lines of the gate was imitated everywhere. There were ever signs and at some point vending machines with the same curved top.
Before you came to the shrine there were these rows of barrels of sake. Apparently, these sake barrels are common at shrines around festival times, and full and empty barrels are donated b sake brewers (the ones of display are empty). Seeing all the unique barrels stacked together was nice.
The area around the shrine was huge and beautiful, with paths leading around it. It was a peaceful walk after visiting the shrine.
After leaving the shrine we went to Nezu Museum, also in Harajuku. The museum didn't allow pictures inside of the scrolls, but the highlight was the Japanese garden anyway with it's traditional Japanese houses.

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